Thursday, November 20, 2014

My First Day in Modern Communication

I am nervous, who wouldn't? It's my first day to meet our new Instructor in our English IV Modern Communication subject. I am excited but not confident enough because it's an English subject! When our instructor came in, I'm bit relief because I have encountered her in my English 2 last first year second semester. Our Instructor is really kind and patient. She motivated us not to have fear in expressing our feelings or to speak in English. In a few minutes I became calm and relax because I know that this wouldn't be easy but I know that our Instructor will guide us for us to be ready in our future year. She looks "mataray" but she's not really grumpy and I am glad about it. I appreciated her effort every time she tells us not to be afraid and just enjoy it. I will understand if she's a bit strict because I know she just wants us to be disciplined and trained enough for our future year. She stated some activities we will encounter and topics that we'll discuss and by the time she told these things I became uneasy because jeeeez! I'm not really good in socializing since our subject is about communicating and I'm really nervous about this! Negative things dominated my mind about these activities. But I told myself not to over think things because it will affect my performance. Ma'am reassured us not to be worried because she'll do things for us to be comfortable and I, myself trusted our Instructor. It has been a great day to meet our Instructor in Modern Communication and I hope God would guide me also! ;)  

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