Thursday, November 20, 2014

Letter To My Parents

I have so many things to ell you but I don't know how and where to start. I have always been thankful to God for giving me unexpected blessings. Having you and being with you are my greatest and precious treasure that He has given me. I don't think I can call myself lucky because I didn't got you by luck, I call myself blessed because God gave me you..

I want to thank you in so many aspects because I have learned and until now I am learning things I should know and I have to know. Thank you for accepting me for who I am, thank you for supporting me and guiding me in whatever I want. I know sometimes I'm stupid and hard headed daughter but instead of getting mad, you always try to understand me. I'm sorry Mommy and Daddy. I know I had committed so many mistakes but you always forgive me. I thank you for trusting in me in whatever I do, I can not promise not to disappoint you but i promised to try not to. Daddy thank you for being my forever boyfriend and for being my true love, I know were not really vocal but I can feel and see how you care so much to me. Mommy thank you for being a great listener, thank you for listening to my endless dramas about anything, thank you for being my best and true friend. Thank you for letting me know that "wants" are different from "needs". Thank you reminding me things I have to remember. One day you told me this, "I want you to experience things I never tried before but you should know your limitations and how to spend time wisely." I felt so glad when I heard this from you. Thank you for being strict sometime because I know it's for our own good. Thank you for making me know God, thank you because you have taught me how to have faith in God. I have learned so many WOWs (Words Of Wisdom) from you and until now you never failed to give me one. Thank you for being my BDO. Why? Because you always find ways. Thank you for giving me a great family! Thank you for letting me have a great life with great people! Thank you for everything Mommy and Daddy! You never fail to make me smile...

My First Day in Modern Communication

I am nervous, who wouldn't? It's my first day to meet our new Instructor in our English IV Modern Communication subject. I am excited but not confident enough because it's an English subject! When our instructor came in, I'm bit relief because I have encountered her in my English 2 last first year second semester. Our Instructor is really kind and patient. She motivated us not to have fear in expressing our feelings or to speak in English. In a few minutes I became calm and relax because I know that this wouldn't be easy but I know that our Instructor will guide us for us to be ready in our future year. She looks "mataray" but she's not really grumpy and I am glad about it. I appreciated her effort every time she tells us not to be afraid and just enjoy it. I will understand if she's a bit strict because I know she just wants us to be disciplined and trained enough for our future year. She stated some activities we will encounter and topics that we'll discuss and by the time she told these things I became uneasy because jeeeez! I'm not really good in socializing since our subject is about communicating and I'm really nervous about this! Negative things dominated my mind about these activities. But I told myself not to over think things because it will affect my performance. Ma'am reassured us not to be worried because she'll do things for us to be comfortable and I, myself trusted our Instructor. It has been a great day to meet our Instructor in Modern Communication and I hope God would guide me also! ;)